Find emails from companies websites

FIND CONTACTS - Find B2B leads by uploading a list of domains or company names

We will automatically enrich each row of your file with business information (such as emails, company data and employees).

FIND CONTACTS - Extract B2B leads directly from companies' webpages

Once you have installed the Chrome extension and created a list, you can now browse the Internet. A small widget will be displayed on the page with the mention "Find contacts of". Just click on it and save the contacts you want!

FIND B2B COMPANIES - Get B2B companies' names with filters

Get companies' names per country, industry and size.

FIND B2C LOCAL BUSINESSES - Get B2C local businesses (emails and phone numbers)

Get up to 200 prospects (local businesses) per search. Create hyper targeted local extract and get phones and emails.

FIND NEW COMPANIES - Get the latest domains created on the Internet

Get leads from the newest websites created in the world every day. Daily dump of all domains created on the Internet, that's mean all new companies. You will get around +100K leads of new domains created each day with location, phone numbers, emails, domains, registered date, and more. It's perfect for capturing new companies created on the Internet and generate new leads from it by selling SEO, marketing services, WordPress websites, development or content creation, etc.

Get companies' and profesionnals' phone numbers

FIND CONTACTS - Get companies' and profesionnals' phone numbers

Additionally to the email adresses and job titles, you will get some phone numbers of profesionnals/companies.

Find leads from B2B social media

FIND CONTACTS - Extract B2B social media emails and contacts

Extract emails and contacts from B2B social media. Find new leads in one click and create targeted lists. Our system will help you to find leads based on job title, location, country, industry and company size.

Automate your emailing and social media prospecting

SEND EMAILS - Send unlimited emails campaigns & newsletters to your prospects

A simple software to create emailing or sequence campaigns. Make your customers sending newsletters or cold emails (send emails until recipients reply) by adding their own SMTP provider and IMAP. Track opens, clicks, bounce, unsubscribe, replies and create nice emailing campaigns in plain text or HTML. Give your customers the power to do emailing campaigns at scale with high volume. Design nice newsletters or simple cold emails with the simple online editor.

B2B SOCIAL MEDIA ROBOT - Automate your prospecting on B2B social media

This robot will automatically save, visit and contact profiles on B2B social media.

Capture leads with our Chatbot

CAPTURE LEADS - Chatbot solution to capture and convert visitors into leads

Automatically chat with your visitors and capture data from them. You will be able to install a chatbot to capture information from your visitors. The collected leads information could be sent by email, SMS (mobile number), or directly into a Slack channel.

- Customize the colors, display and position
- Create as many as you want scenario
- Use pre-made scenario for your market
- Capture leads and send data to email, mobile (sms) & Slack

Use our CRM and our sales pipeline tool integrated!

CRM : Access all your contacts' and prospects' information

Gather and access all your contacts' and prospects' information in the Lead Gators CRM.

SALES PIPELINE : Access to your pipeline and opportunities

This great tool is connected to the Lead Gators CRM and will enable you to start a new pipeline and pre-configure it. Different kinds of pipelines are available: classic sales pipeline, recruitment pipeline, real estate pipeline, task management pipeline..

Our Pricing

No additional costs. Pay only fixed monthly fee or yearly and the rest we will handle for you!

Mini Alligator

$ 49 /mo



$ 129 /mo


Users 1 user Unlimited
> Enrichment feature 5 000 Unlimited
> Export companies 3 000 Unlimited
> Export local businesses 500 Unlimited
> Convert names to domains 500 Unlimited
> Export emails from websites 1 000 Unlimited
> Find emails first, last name & domain 1 000 Unlimited
> Find the email of a single candidate 1 000 Unlimited
> Emails to send 1 000 Unlimited
> Senders to connect (Gmail / Outlook..) 1 Unlimited
> Active running campaigns 2 Unlimited
> Number of candidates in your CRM 500 Unlimited
> Number of candidates to find with emails 1 000 Unlimited
> Number of visits & connection to candidates 200 Unlimited
> Number of shortcuts 3 Unlimited



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An endless integration proposed

If you need to connect Lead Gators to your favorite CRM you can easily use the Lead Gators API to connect to your favorite apps with Integromat & Zappier

Frequently asked questions

Looking for more info? Here are some things we're commonly asked

What does the package include?

When you buy our product, you will get a full access in Unlimited to the product and will have no limitation about using the features.

What is the tipical response time for a support question?

Since you report us a support question we try to make our best to find out what is going on, depending on the case it could take more or less time, however a standard time could be minutes or hours.

How can I cancel my subscription?

At any time you can connect on your dashboard and pause your subscription. You can also delete your credit card and cancel your subscription at any time.

Do you provide invoices?

Yes! Invoices are automatically created once you upgrade on the product or each month when your subscription renews automatically.

Become a Partner

Get $60 per month per licenSe directly in your bank account when recommending Lead Gators to your clients and audience

1) Click on the button "Become a Partner now!" and set up your account (it's completely free of cost)

2) When you are about to sell a license, make sure you are sharing your own referal link to your prospect/client in order you receive your commissions

*** Get a Mini Alligator license in order to do some demonstrations to your prospects and promote it better!

Become a Partner now!

When are partners paid?

Affiliate partners are paid on the 1st of the month. First commissions are paid out after 30 days.

How can I track my commissions?

You get a dashboard to see all of your stats and payments via FirstPromoter, a trusted SaaS focused partner program.

Who can I share the affiliate link with?

The affiliate link can be shared on your blog, Facebook groups and other niche forums.

Who can become a partner?

Anyone can join! Agencies, consultants, freelancers, and content creators make the most of the partnership.